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BOE Overview



the clipper ship

Paulette Ofrias, President


Scott Latham, Vice President


Thomas Grattan Jr., Member


Thomas Kennedy, Member


Brian Tobin, Member


Goal 1


75-80% of classrooms (teachers) will utilize high quality learning targets increasing student engagement and ownership of learning as measured by classroom visits/walkthroughs.


Goal 2

Social Emotional Learning:

The SUFSD will integrate character education into classrooms and school-wide activities utilizing rethinkED focused on supporting student and adult social emotional health as evidenced by an increase in students/staff reported feelings of wellness and a decrease in behavioral health referrals.


Goal 3


The SUFSD Business Office will produce a tax sensitive budget that is fully supportive of all initiatives and opportunities for students as evidenced by a positive budget vote of 75% or greater vote, while maintaining a healthy bond rating.


Goal 4


The SUFSD Facilities Department will complete a five year plan, utilizing local knowledge and the architects’ report, to maintain and proactively ensure a safe, comfortable learning environment for students and staff.

Board Commitments

Commitment #1:  
The Board of Education is dedicated to maintaining fiscally healthy and responsible systems which are educationally sound providing students a safe, healthy environment in which to learn and thrive.

Commitment #2:  
The Board of Education commits to expand  K-12 opportunities for student development ensuring a positive school experience and readiness for future success.

Commitment #3:  
The Board of Education supports meaningful instruction aligned with high levels of student learning.

Commitment #4:  
The Board of Education values collaboration focusing on effective transitions for students across their educational careers at Southold UFSD.

Commitment #5:  
The Board of Education commits to continue building community connections and partnerships with families, caregivers and organizations to support student learning and development.

Commitment #6:
The Board of Education supports high quality technology programming and provision of equipment to ensure readiness to thrive in the 21st century.